ALEXANDER FEDOROV ( Leningrado, 1954 ) –dedicato alla nostra ” cara e bella, soprattutto divertente, Donatella “











Artist Fedorov Alexander

ALEXANDER FEDOROV nasce a Leningrado nel 1954. Suo padre è un artista e sua madre una critica d’arte. Poteva sembrargli ovvio diventare un pittore, lui che sempre si era appassionato di disegno, ma andava bene a scuola anche in altre materie. Dopo aver finito una scuola scientifica, si iscrive all’ Istituto Tecnico di Lenigrado.  Dopo la laurea in chimica, non riuscì a proseguire in questo campo. —Dal 1985 si dedica all’arte. Il suo stile dimostra i suoi duplici interessi : l’arte e le scienze tecniche—( traduzione di ch. ” a senso “—)



Fedorov Alexander

Alexander Fedorov was born in 1954 in Leningrad. His father was an artist and his mother an art critic. It would seem obvious for him to have become a painter, but Fedorov, who was always fond of drawing, succeeded in other school subjects as well. On finishing studying at a school for physics and mathematics, he enrolled in the Leningrad Technological Institute. But still, after getting a diploma in petro chemistry, he couldn’t give up art. One year spent at the Serov Art School helped to influence him toward pursuing the sphere of art and make up his mind once and for all with confidence. Since 1985 he has been exhibiting his artwork.

Fedorov’s unique style demonstrates the duality of his talents: passion for art and ability in technical sciences. His simultaneously realistic and imaginary characters live in an utterly unreal vacuum-like environment. The artist seems to analyse every object and divide it into its components while trying to reveal the overarching structure. The jewellery-like refinement and thoroughness of his painting is close to decorative art but this affection to meticulous depictions always implies a certain intellectual game. Mystery and ambiguity, intentionally entwined into the fabric of a subject, involve the viewer in a game of unraveling images and meanings.


immagine e testo sopra da:













Original painting «July». Artist Alexander Fedorov. – Erarta Shop











Painting «An Old Tree». Artist Alexander Fedorov. Buy reproduction painting. – Erarta Shop







Painting «Farmer». Artist Alexander Fedorov. Buy reproduction painting. – Erarta Shop






























Between Heaven and Earth | Earth illustration, Graphic illustration, Painting














alexander fedorov on Tumblr











Red Tree | Tree of life art, Bird art, Red tree









Self-Portrait with a Bear, artist Alexander Fedorov


autoritratto con un orso


immagine da :









Painting «Reptile». Artist Alexander Fedorov. Buy reproduction painting. – Erarta Shop

dallo stesso link di quello sopra











Alexander Fedorov | Manor (1993) | Available for Sale | Artsy


da Artsy










Felix, il cameriere




in questo link, da cui abbiamo preso l’immagine sopra, trovate un’idea di questo artista molto diversa al punto da chiedermi se è lo stesso—

PS. non è certamente lo stesso, nel suo link ( quello sotto ) si qualifica come ” artista concettuale “, lavora con Photoshop e SAI, 3d max, Sketchup.  E’ nato o vive a Dubai





Alexander Fedorov - 1 Artworks for Sale on Artsy

immagine da :






Painting «Forest». Artist Alexander Fedorov. Buy reproduction painting. – Erarta Shop

una foresta









alexander fedorov Tumblr posts -












le due immagini sopra sono da :















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1 risposta a ALEXANDER FEDOROV ( Leningrado, 1954 ) –dedicato alla nostra ” cara e bella, soprattutto divertente, Donatella “

  1. DONATELLA scrive:

    Magnifico questo pittore, che mi pare volersi divertire anche un po’ con quello che rappresenta.

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